Exmoor National Parks Centres

Where can I find it?

In the ‘Information Centres’ folder.

How often is the data recorded? (Granularity)

The data in this tracker is tracked in monthly granularity. This means that there is a figure for every month.

How often is the tracker updated?

This tracker is updated every month for the month previous. It should usually be updated within the first 10 days of the month.

What is the source of the data?

This data is collected by The Exmoor National Park Centres:

1.        Dulverton

2.        Dunster

3.        Lynmouth

What does the data tell me?

The data in this tracker tells you how many people visit the Exmoor National Park Centres each month


The following metrics are available:

·      Visitors

What can I filter on?

You can filter this tracker by provider.

Are there other trackers that have similar data?

The Tourist Information Centres tracker also measures visitor footfall.

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