Airbnb Tracker

Where can I find it?

In the Accommodation (Past) folder.

How often is the data recorded? (Granularity)

The data in this tracker is tracked in monthly granularity. This means that there is a figure for every month. So you can see how this June compares with last June, or how one time period compares with another.

How often is the tracker updated?

This tracker is updated every month for the month previous by via an API link to Airdna. This is usually by the middle of the month. So, by mid February you should be able to see data for January.

What is the source of the data?

This data is collected via an API link between the system and Airdna.

What does the data tell me?

The data in this tracker gives you four metrics regarding self-catering properties that are managed via the Airbnb and Verb booking systems.


·      Occupancy: proportion of nights sold for each month. The nearer to 100% the tracker gets, the more occupied the accommodation was.

·      ADR (Average Daily Rate): this tells you what the average daily price was for all properties rented out in the month you looking at.

·      Monthly RevPAR (revenue per available room): this takes the value of all properties rented and divides that figure by all properties available to rent (including the unrented ones).

·      Listings: this figure tells you how many properties were listed on Airbnb and/or Verb in the month. 

Important things to remember about this data…

There is a suspicion that some of the data in the Airbnb system is counted more than once due to the nature in which it is scraped and by appearing on multiple booking platforms, which can make the figures look higher than they actually are. If this does occur it is considered to be quite consistent therefore making the trends we see in the graphs reliable if not the total figures.

What can I filter on?

Date: to change the date range you are viewing, click on Filter and select the date range of your choice. You can also select Add comparison to compare the same metrics over different time frames.

Are there other trackers that have similar data?

The Accommodation tracker has occupancy data provided by various accommodation businesses directly to the hub. You could use the filter in that tracker to specifically look self-catering occupancy.

The Supercontrol Bookings data can show you how many self-catering stays happened in monthly and daily granularity. It can also give you the Average Spend per Person per Night, Average Length of Stay and Average Booking Lead time. 

What else should I look at in relation to this tracker?

It is interesting to use the Cross Tracker to compare Airbnb Occupancy and Accommodation Occupancy to see if the trends (the pattern the graph takes) correlate. 

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